Monday, November 29, 2010


Why is saying goodbye to anyone so difficult? I would always remember 2010 as the year of goodbyes…sweet and bitter memories are all that’s left! 3 months into 2010 and I had to say goodbye to student life forever..The care free days of student life were over..It was welcome to the corporate world. Then the most difficult goodbyes…the parting of friends..people you saw everyday for two years were now no longer part of your world. Be it hostel or college, with tears in my eyes I said the byes. The worst was I guess parting from Bangalore, a place I called home for two years. Guess even after all the cribbing about food, language, place, hostel, extra work it was a place which made me independent and responsible. What was the magic there which made me what I am? Was it the sense of independence and freedom to do everything or the most awesome friends who stood by me through everything? People say that school friends are the ones who stay with you the longest but I know the friends which I made there would be with me throughout my life. What was it that bound us all so close? Probably, the fact that we were all away from home and responsible for our actions..the fact that we don’t have anyone around to help in our troublesome times, lend a shoulder to cry, laugh with us at our stupid mistakes, or as simple as share a coffee. Those days might never come back again. We all might never meet again but I know when we are low and lonely, those days of simple joys and laughter would bring a new hope.
If we can pass Finance exams with a day of studying, then we can make the office presentations too. If we can make maggi without gas or utensils, we can definitely survive the days were we don’t have time to cook and have to survive on biscuits. If we can sit through boring two-hour lectures, then we can sit through the boring team meetings. If we can wash a week’s clothes in a day but still manage to watch the latest movie, finish assignments, catch up on lost sleep, then we can definitely survive the traffic snarls and still find energy to smile at the end of the day.
I still have a long way to go..which means more experiences and more goodbyes..but with each goodbye starts something new. Waiting for a new and exciting phase to start which I would be sad to part ways with. It is all worth it. Every day, even a sad day blurred by headaches and filled with business meetings, is magical and infinite. Never forget to be thankful for your life.